Retrospective & OKR's II Optimisation de nos process  

AI & Complete Sales Funnel

Utilisation de l'IA - Phase 2:Continuous update of the prompts libraryEnsure proper utilisation across departments BREVO product owner Background: Our current CRM’s proposal to the clients involves sending newsletters, either as one-time blasts or on a regular schedule. However, we're lacking the proper follow-up and comprehensive marketing automation suite that Brevo offers. Therefore, we want to develop new services using Brevo's capabilities to offer these recurring services to the 25 clients already using Brevo and to the rest who haven’t.(Taking Google Ads Management as an example). Pipeline: 1. Greg owns always the set-up stageHA’s roadmap:Now: Business develomentUp coming 6 months: Brevo TLNext 12 months: Brevo Prod freelance

Commercialisation app communes - Gemengen Management System (GMS) 💰💰

Strat de commercialisation de l’app commune pour upsell clients actuels + démarchage nouvelles communes  Doc de travail:  Debut de brainstorm new features communes:—> intégrer add-ons CRM/Brevo?

Follow-up actions 06 Sep avec Tom